LIU, Esther
Esther Liu was the Course Leader of Graphic Design at School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, specializing in research on Chinese Typography Design. She is the recipient of numerous gold design awards, including ‘White Paper’and‘thinkCLICK’International Award. Liu received her art and design education at New York University, University of Guelph and Ontario College of Art in Canada.
She retired in late 2012 and is actively involved in art education for children at BirDinTRee Creative Studio.
其設計作品曾在香港及海外多國多次作個人及團體展出,其平面設計及設計教學方面的超卓表現更獲香港理工大學頒授「校長特設卓越表現/研究及學術活動成就獎」獎項。歷年來獲頒發的設計獎項超逾四十個,其中包括一九九六年度「WhitePaper」兩項金獎及一九九九年度「thinkCLICK」兩項金獎。有關作品於Idea、Tokyo Type Directors Club、 美國Art Directors Club及香港設計師協會發表,並由香港文化博物館及大阪市立美術館收藏。自二OOO年,應日本、中國、台灣、德國邀請為平面設計和書籍評委。近年,廖潔連專注從事「中文字體設計」及「香港雜誌設計三十年的發展和變化」等研究項目。
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