CANHAM, Stefan
Stefan Canham was born in England in 1968. He studied Film at the Hamburg Academy of Fine Arts, Germany, and has been working freelance on documentary photo and television projects since 1995. He focuses on the representation of alternative spaces, islands of untidiness, where small communities resist cultural hegemony.
In 2003 he was artist-in-residence at the Schleswig-Holsteinisches Kuenstlerhaus in Eckernfoerde, Germany. His photographic record of the mobile squatter culture in Germany was shortlisted for the 3rd International Bauhaus Award 2004 and published under the title Bauwagen / Mobile Squatters by Peperoni Books (Berlin) in 2006.
From December 2007 to February 2008, he was artist-in-residence at Hong Kong’s Art and Culture Outreach, collaborating with Rufina Wu on Portraits from Above – Hong Kong’s Informal Rooftop Communities. The project won the 5th International Bauhaus Award 2008, the WYNG Masters Award in 2013, and was published by Peperoni Books (Berlin) and MCCM Creations (Hong Kong). It has been exhibited in Asia, Europe, and North America, including solo exhibitions at Goethe–Institut and Lumenvisum Gallery (Hong Kong, 2009), Kunsthaus (Hamburg, 2009), and Harbourfront Centre (Toronto, 2010). Substantial parts of the project have been presented in themed exhibitions, including "High-Rise – Idea and Reality" at Museum fuer Gestaltung (Zurich, 2010), "Rapid Change" at Te Tuhi Centre for the Arts (Auckland, 2011), "The City that does not exist" at Museum Ludwig Forum (Aachen, 2012), Biennale of Urbanism / Architecture (Shenzhen, 2013), and "ZOOM! Picturing Architecture and the City" at Architekturmuseum der TU (Munich, 2015). Stefan Canham lives in Hamburg.
斯特凡 ‧ 坎漢,1968年在英格蘭出生。他於德國漢堡的Hochschule fur bildende Kunste修讀電影,從1995年起當自由工作者,拍攝記錄照片和電視節目。其作品多關於都市空間的運用,尤專注於邊緣群體和各種自建住屋的課題。2003年,他為德國北部艾斯弗爾德Schleswig-Holsteinisches Kunstlerhaus的駐場藝術工作者。他的德國流動佔屋文化記錄照片,入選2004年第三屆國際包浩斯獎,並由Peperoni Books(柏林)於2006輯錄成書Bauwagen / Mobile Squatters。他曾於德國及國外舉行展覽,並為不少期刊提供相片,如An Architektur(柏林)、Critical Planning(洛杉磯)和Sarai Reader(德里)。2007年12月至2008年2月,他為香港藝鵠的駐場藝術工作者,與鄔南薰就《樓上風光》合作。此項目取得2008年第五屆國際包浩斯獎(三獎)。他現居於漢堡。